A General Introduction to New Practical Chinese Reader
刘珣 主编
Editor-in-Chief : Liu Xun
New Practical Chinese Reader is a set of comprehensive Chinese language textbooks compiled for the purpose of teaching Chinese to adult non-native Chinese speakers without previous Chinese learning experience.
The teaching concepts New Practical Chinese Reader upholds are taking language structure as the guideline and combining the teaching of language structure with the teachings of language functions and culture. By placing the focus of study on language structure and functional, cultural knowledge, as well as skills training for listening, speaking, reading and writing, New Practical Chinese Reader aims to foster learners’ ability to communicate in the Chinese language.
It emphasizes the instructions of functional items and covers a wide range of topics. The book is divided into units, making it easy for users to differentiate the core content from the supplementary one and choose the content based on their needs.
《新实用汉语课本》是一套专为海外非华裔成人学习者研制的零起点综合汉语教材。它坚持语言结 构为纲,结构与功能、文化相结合的教学理念,力图通过语言结构、语言功能与相关文化知识的学习和 听说读写技能训练,逐步培养学习者运用汉语进行交际的能力。教材强调功能项目的教学,内容题材广 泛。教材板块式的安排使核心内容和补充内容分割清晰,方便学习者根据需要进行选择。
Since New Practical Chinese Reader was published in 2002, it has been well received by learners and teachers of Chinese around the world and aroused a lot of concern among them. With its total circulation hitting 1 million copies and its copyright imported to other countries, New Practical Chinese Reader has become one of the most popular basic Chinese teaching resources that are used by world renowneduniversities, such as Harvard University, Stanford University and University of California Berkeley in theUnited States, Toronto University in Canada, Oxford University, Cambridge University and University of London in British, University of Berlin in Germany, University of Melbourne in Australia and Waseda University in Japan.
Its simplified Chinese version and traditional Chinese version with English annotation have been published so far besides its simplified Chinese version with Thai, Russian and Spanish annotations. The books (with CD and CD-ROM) were also annotated in 9 languages in 2009 as a set of comprehensive teaching materials for beginners in cooperation with the Chinese language popularization program launched by Hanban. In addition, the 2nd edition of its simplified Chinese version annotated in English was published in 2010. We haven’t revised the framework, but presented the updated materials in combination with how it was used in the classrooms of foreign countries. The language used is still practical and reality-based so as to foster students’ cross-culture communication skills.
Spanish Version |
目前,《新实用汉语课本》已出版了英文注释的简体版和繁体版,另有俄文、泰文、西班牙文注释本,以及2009年配合国家汉办汉语推广而精 心打造的9个语种的入门级立体化教材(包括图书、CD和多媒体CDROM)。2010年新推出了英文注释本第2版,整体框架未作大的变化,综合了原版在海 外使用的课堂实践经验,为读者呈现与时俱进的内容,坚持语言实用,结合实际,培养学习者跨文化交际的能力。
CD-ROMs of the Multilingual Version
In the multilingual version of New Practical Chinese Reader, each textbook comes along with twoaccompanying CD-ROMs, which contain the study of texts, cartoon and pronunciation as well as many interactive exercises like “Choose the right answers”, “Decide whether the statements are true or false” and “Join each pair with a line” ,thus making the study interactive. The CD-ROMs also provide the high-definition video materials with foreign language annotation and subtitles for students to study and enjoy. Learners can use it either with the textbook or use it alone.
多语种版每册课本均有配套多媒体课件(CD-COM)2张,含课文文本及动画、语音学习等内容,并有选择、判断正误、连线等多种互动练习,可实现多种互动学习功能。CD-COM 还包含每课文化知识的高清视频,9个版本分别配有9种语言的解说和字幕,集学习和欣赏为一体,学习者可与课本配套使用,也可单独使用。
Cartoon in The CD-ROM |
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English version CD-ROM |